Planning Commission
Every 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00 pm
Town Hall Grange Room
Minutes Clerk – Joanna Bligh
Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
Unified Development Bylaw Informational Sessions 2022 presentations and recordings
- Fairlee Town Plan 2020
- Biomass Energy Potential map
- Fairlee Village Plan (the White plan) 2001
- Future Land Use Map
Surveys and Studies
Build-out Analysis and Capacity Study
Main Street to Morey Report with Appendices March 2021
Fairlee Community Survey Report 3/2/2020
The Planning Commission is comprised of 7 members who are elected by Fairlee voters at Town Meeting. Each member is elected for a term between 2 and 4 years.
The Planning Commission has the following responsibilities:
- Prepare a plan and amendments thereof for consideration by the legislative body and to review any amendments thereof initiated by others.
- Prepare and present to the legislative body proposed bylaws and make recommendations to the legislative body on proposed amendments to such bylaws.
- Undertake capacity studies and make recommendations on matters of land development, urban renewal, transportation, economic and social development, urban beautification and design improvements, historic and scenic preservation, the conservation of energy and the development of renewable energy resources and wetland protection.
- Prepare and present to the legislative body recommended building, plumbing, fire, electrical, housing, and related codes and enforcement procedures, and construction specifications for streets and related public improvements.
- Hold public meetings.
- Require from other departments and agencies of the municipality such available information as relates to the work of the planning commission.
- Participate in a regional planning program. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission Representative Peter Berger A regional planning commission shall contain at least one representative appointed from each member municipality. All representatives may be compensated and reimbursed by their respective municipalities for necessary and reasonable expenses. Representatives to a regional planning commission representing each participating municipality shall be appointed for a term and any vacancy filled by the legislative body of such municipality in the manner provided and for the terms established by the charter and bylaws of the regional planning commission. Regardless of regional planning commission bylaws, representatives to the commission shall serve at the pleasure of the legislative body. The legislative body may, by majority vote of the entire body, revoke a commission member’s appointment at any time.