Lake Morey

The Lake Morey Skating Trail:

Lake Morey Skating TrailThe Lake Morey Skating Trail is now open under Town management. Please access the trail from either the Town Beach or the boat launch. Skate rentals at the Resort will be available starting Friday Jan 17.

Feb 14, 2025 Ice Update

The precipitation over the past week has created some rough areas on the ice trail, mostly due to heavy snow banks weighing down the edges of the trail and allowing water to surface and re-freeze unevenly. The north end, where the trail crosses the middle of the lake, is the most affected.
As a whole, conditions are average with some new bumpiness caused by Thursday’s mixed rain/snow. We plan to reroute the north end of the trail after Sunday’s upcoming snowfall in the hopes of blazing a smoother crossing.


H: +30°
L: +
Thursday, 02 February
See 7-Day Forecast
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed
+27° + +35° +39° +38° +38°
-16° -18° + +24° +18° +20°

 Skating Trail Rules

The Lake Morey Webcam

Skate Rentals are available at the Lake Morey Resort

 Lake Morey Lake and Watershed Action Plan - March 19, 2024

Prepared by Bear Creek Environmental, LLC

Alum Treatment in June 2024 a success!

See the most recent Lake Morey Water Conditions

Lake water sampling, includes surface and deep water samples using our new Turner Designs fluorometer for potential Cyano growth, results in a table as follows. Surface and bottom samples for Cyano phycocyanin,  secchi, m = clarity in meters

Lake Monitoring 2023 Turner Designs Flurometer
site 11-May 7-June              
surface 0 1              
bottom 3 2              
secchi, m 5 7.5