
09-25-2017 Recreation Council Meeting

Fairlee Recreation Council
Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2017
Present: Samantha Hickman, Matt Jung, Victoria Lacasse, Cami Buster, Clyde Blake, and Sandra Smith-Ordway.

Meeting started at 6:09 pm.

Old Business

Beach Equipment- all of the lines for the water are fine for another year.  Would plan to replace in 2019

Spare beach water lines are very brittle. Plan to try to have them removed.  Manufacturer was Keifer, will look into cost to replace them.  Current lines should last another year.

Matt received quotes from the manufacturer to fix the playground slider-

  1. Replace parts only is $35.48 parts
  2. To have them fix it $485.48 with parts
  3. Total new spring rider would be $3200.

A decision was made for us to purchase the replacement parts. Matt and Cami have volunteered to fix the slider.

Unable to find out the manufacturer of the riding equipment. Matt was unable to repair it with current parts available. We will review records to find where the riding  equipment was purchased.  Matt obtain information on the cost to replace the equipment.  It would cost $800 for a single Bee seat, and for the double it would be $1100.


Advertisements for lifeguards put us over budget this year.

Water testing- need to determine the cost to mail the water samples. So that we can budget appropriately for next year.

Cami to follow up on the state recommendations and guidelines.

Beach passes

Matt is meeting  with the Fairlee Select Board to discuss beach passes.


  • Plan to stay with the same theme and layout as last year.
  • Plan to have pictures and marked up calendar and Ads on October 16th, 2017
  • Will plan to have people called and people called by October 13th, 2017.
  • People and businesses to call were divided up at the meeting.
  • Denis Lambert would like to put the music series into the calendar

Meeting adjourned at  7:59 pm.

Next meeting October 9th at 6 pm.