
05-03-2018 Planning Commission Meeting

Town of Fairlee Town Hall
Grange Room
75 Town Common Road
Fairlee, VT  05045

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Commission Members: E. Smith Reed, Vice Chair; Denis Lambert; Susanne Pacilio; Sarah Berger; Mark Bishop; Chris Brimmer, Zoning Administrator

Minutes Clerk: Joanna Bligh


E. Smith Reed called the meeting to order.

A quorum was met.


Chris Brimmer stated that his additional items can go under Other Business

Susanne Pacilio added an update from Efficiency Vermont on the energy portion of the Town Plan

MOTION: E. Smith Reed moved and Mark Bishop seconded the motion that the Agenda be accepted as modified. The vote was unanimous.


Joint Meeting

Chris Brimmer suggested that a joint meeting of the Selectboard and the Planning Commission take place to coordinate work and that Monday May 14, 2018, at 6:00 PM be selected for the meeting date.

Smith Reed stated that on Thursday, May 10, he will be attending a Regional Transportation Committee Meeting.


MOTION: Denis Lambert moved and Susanne Pacilio seconded the motion to accept the Minutes from April 5, 2018, as written. The vote passed unanimously.

[On May 8, 2018, the April 5, 2018, Minutes were revised on page 2, paragraph 3, line 3, as follows: “E. Smith Reed stated that the State of Vermont goal is to have 90% energy independence by 2050.”]


E. Smith Reed stated that there was no public input.

UPDATE ON MPG (Municipal Planning Grant)/

Chris Brimmer stated that Two Rivers–Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) is the contractor for the grant. Chris Brimmer noted that a Steering Committee representative is selected from the Planning Commission each year. Susanne Pacilio queried what the responsibilities of the Commission were. Chris Brimmer replied that the Commission obtains usable analyses for capital inventory and capital budget development, what is needed going forward year over year, and help with tax stability. Mark Bishop volunteered for the position of Commission representative.

Smith Reed asked about who the issuer of the MPG was.  Chris Brimmer stated that the Agency of Commerce and Community Development ( is the sponsor and that the grant supports town plan updates; bylaw rewrites; and town goals, for example, for housing and renewable energy projects. Chris Brimmer continued to state that TRORC executes the grant and the deadline is 2019 with an 8-year planning cycle going forward.


Chris Brimmer stated that the UDB has had interim temporary adoption, but it will need to be put on the ballot for a Town vote. The Town’s flood insurance from FEMA is contingent upon the adoption of the UDB. Chris Brimmer presented a timeline for next steps related to adoption of the UDB. Sarah Berger queried how the community is notified about the vote. Chris Brimmer stated that there are two warned public hearings in Fairlee.

MOTION: Mark Bishop moved and Denis Lambert seconded the motion to initiate the legal processes for the Unified Development Bylaw vote. The motion passed unanimously.


State of Vermont Transportation Board
Chris Brimmer stated that the Vermont Transportation Board sent letters to municipalities to solicit input on how to regulate helicopter landing areas. Smith Reed noted that Lake Morey is a landing area. Smith Reed suggested that this discussion be tabled until the next meeting.

Internet in Underserved Areas

Mark Bishop stated that he spoke with Heidi Pitman, Marketing, from Topsham Telephone Company to discuss technical information about fast, affordable Internet to enhance economic development in Fairlee and that he will continue research on the issue.

Discovery Map

Chris Brimmer (speaking for Miranda Clemson) reported that she is working on the promotional map. Smith Reed stated that the “Blue Map” he is working on for Lake Fairlee residences can be expanded to include Orford, Thetford, and Fairlee. A detailed discussion of the expansion of Fairlee business advertising continued. Susanne Pacilio suggested the initiation of a business roundtable group.

Efficiency Vermont (

Susanne Pacilio reported on her conversation with Efficiency Vermont. She stated that they have engineers who will generate data on past and projected consumption/energy use in municipalities. Mark Bishop stated that the group is funded by tax dollars. Smith Reed stated that Susanne Pacilio go ahead and request the data.

MOTION: Mark Bishop moved and Sarah Berger seconded the motion for Susanne Pacilio to speak with Efficiency Vermont to generate a study of Fairlee’s energy consumption. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Susanne Pacilio moved and Mark Bishop seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Attest: Joanna Bligh, Minutes Clerk