
06-07-2018 Planning Commission Meeting

Town of Fairlee Town Hall
Grange Room
75 Town Common Road
Fairlee, VT  05045
Thursday, June 7, 2018

    • Commission Members: Miranda Clemson, Chair; Denis Lambert; Susanne Pacilio; Sarah Berger; Margaret Gladstone; Mark Bishop
  • Zoning Administrator: Chris Brimmer
  • Minutes Clerk: Joanna Bligh
  • Visitor: Noël Walker



Miranda Clemson called the meeting to order.

A quorum was met.


MOTION: Susanne Pacilio moved and Denis Lambert seconded the motion that the Agenda be accepted as written. The vote passed unanimously.

Warned Public Hearing on the Proposed Unified Development Bylaw

Miranda Clemson opened the public hearing. Noël Walker asked if the Town was now operating under this Bylaw. Chris Brimmer responded that since 2015, this Bylaw has been in place. Miranda Clemson asked if there were any further questions.


MOTION: Denis Lambert moved and Susanne Pacilio seconded the motion to accept the Minutes from May 3, 2018, with modifications. The vote passed unanimously.


Encore Energy (http://encorerenewableenergy.com/)
Chris Brimmer stated that Encore Energy declined because they ran into issues for a Town energy project. Chris Brimmer continued that the case manager for the Public Service Board needs renewed paperwork, which will potentially be completed in August.


Chris Brimmer stated that Two Rivers–Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) is the contractor for the grant with Kevin Geiger as consultant. Chris Brimmer noted that Steering Committee representatives are set and include:

Mark Bishop, Planning Commission

Elizabeth Wilson, Budget Committee

Josh Hickman

Tad Nunez, Town Administrator

Frank J. Barrett, Jr.; Peter Berger; and Cathy McGrath; Selectboard

Chris Brimmer stated that the goals of the Steering Committee are to inventory the capital assets of the Town, prepare a maintenance schedule, and project capital costs.


Section Breakouts

Susanne Pacilio stated that she contacted Efficiency Vermont (https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/) and received basic data from all towns in Vermont. Susanne Pacilio continued that she contacted Christopher Damiani from TRORC who had charts that incorporated the energy segment, which could be inserted in the Town Plan. Chris Brimmer noted that there is a marketing study done by Twin Pines relating to Fairlee.

[Sarah Berger entered the meeting at 6:23 PM]

Chris Brimmer noted that there also has to be a wildlife study—wording needs to be added into the Town Plan regarding unbroken wildlife blocks and connectors. Miranda Clemson stated that she will contact the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. Miranda Clemson also stated that the Fairlee Town Forest connects with other Town Forests; however, in the southwest corner of the Fairlee Town Forest near Lake Fairlee, there is a narrow wildlife corridor that needs to be widened. Susanne Pacilio stated that in Norwich there is the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (https://vtecostudies.org/), which assesses conservation subdivisions for wildlife management.

Chris Brimmer noted that he will work on the economic development and housing component of the Town Plan.

 [Mark Bishop entered the meeting at 7:06 PM]

Miranda Clemson indicated that the section breakouts for work on Town Plan components are as follows:

Energy data—Susanne Pacilio and Smith Reed

Recreation—Sarah Berger and Margaret Gladstone

Economic development/housing—Chris Brimmer

Transportation—Denis Lambert, Smith Reed (representative to TRORC Transportation Committee)

Noël Walker queried how to get this information in the Bylaw to the public. Miranda Clemson noted that it will be voted on in the August primary ballot and that in   there will be an insertion in the ListServe as a “Save the date.”

[Noël Walker left the meeting at 7:27 PM]


Next Meeting

Miranda Clemson suggest that the next Planning Commission meeting be change from the regularly scheduled meeting on July 5 to July 12 at 6:00 PM.

Internet in Underserved Areas

Mark Bishop stated that he spoke again with Topsham Telephone Company to discuss Internet expansion to the Town of Fairlee, and they indicated that they are not interested in build-out in Fairlee. Denis Lambert suggested contacting Charter (official.spectrum.com/) network in Wells River, and Margaret Gladstone suggested Sovernet (https://www.firstlight.net/sovernet-communications/) in Bradford.

Discovery Map

Miranda Clemson reported that for Town advertising on the Discovery Map, the cost is $600/year.  

MOTION: Susanne Berger moved and Margaret Gladstone seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


Attest: Joanna Bligh, Minutes Clerk