Dog License Information
All dogs living in the Town of Fairlee, including puppies who have received their first rabies shot.
Where and how do I license my dog?Dog licenses are issued through the Town Clerk’s Office. Dog licenses can be issued through the mail : Fairlee Town Clerk PO Box 95 Fairlee, VT 05045. Remember to mail in the dog’s current rabies certificate and spaying/neutering certificate, if applicable.
When do I license my dog?A new adult dog should be licensed immediately, and a puppy can be licensed as soon as the puppy receives its first rabies shot. Normally the deadline for licensing is April 1st. but due to the pandemic that has been extended.
What is the annual fee to license my dog?
spayed/neutered dogs : $9.00
male and female dogs (not spayed or neutered): $13.00
Late fees will be charged after April 2nd: $2.00 for spayed/neutered dogs $4.00 for male and female dogs (not spayed or neutered)
$4.00 for male and female dogs (not spayed or neutered)