Sign Up for Code Red Emergency Notifications
CodeRED is a FREE emergency notification service provided to all residents and businesses within the Town of Fairlee that will notify you of emergency information through phone calls, text messages, emails and social media. The system will be used to keep you informed of local events that may immediately impact your safety. As a local resident or business owner, the Town encourages you to take action and register your cell phone for this service and verify your home or business location during the enrollment process so we may target notifications that directly impact your home or business.
• Missing Children • Emergency Preparedness • Emergency Evacuation Notices • Wildfires • Public Health Crisis • Criminal Activity •Cyanobacteria Events
However, such systems are only as good as the telephone number database supporting them. If your number is not in the database, you will not be called. One reason the CodeRED system was selected is it gives individuals and businesses the ability to add their own phone numbers directly into the system’s database. This system already includes most wired telephone numbers. But it does not include cell phones, voice over internet protocol (VoIP) phones or unlisted numbers. Telephone service from Comcast or EC Fiber are VoIP. If you have those types of phone numbers, you must register with CodeRED to receive calls. You can register your home phone, cell phone, and email addresses. No one should automatically assume his or her phone number is included.
To register, go to https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/F4F68ACDD47F Those without internet access may call Doug Hackett with Hanover Dispatch at 603-640-3333 to supply their information. Required information includes first and last name, street address (physical address, no P.O. Boxes), city, state, zip code, and primary phone number. Additional phone numbers can be entered as well. The data collected will be used only for emergency notification purposes.
ENROLL TODAY! Visit https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/F4F68ACDD47F