Fairlee Town Beach

Town Protocol/Procedure
Lake Morey

The Town will conduct visual monitoring testing (not toxin testing).

Visual monitoring can be done by Town staff and community members.

If Cyanobacteria is found call VT state at 1-800-439-8550 and the Fairlee Health Officer, the point person for the Town, at 333-4363 extension 103.

The VT state publication “Cyanobacteria – Guidance for VT Communities” is available to community members and posted on the Town web site.

The Health Officer will field calls from the VT state official(s), as well as, community members of potential findings of  Cyanobacteria.  The Town will advise community members not to swim, nor let pets into the water, where Cyanobacteria is evident.

If Cyanobacteria is found in the Town Beach swimming vicinity, the beach front will be posted closed until the bacteria has subsided. If necessary, the Health Officer may contact Town Beach staff to inform them of the potential findings and request the beach front be closed. The Health Officer will also close the beach front, in the event Beach Staff are not on duty