RISD Budget Vote Results
Rivendell ISD Special Meeting (June 1) Results:
Article 2: To raise and appropriate $15,289,046 for the 2024-25 Operating
budget: 189 yes, 142 no: Passed.
Article 3: Authorize the Board to apply an additional $100,000 from the
unassigned funds balance to offset tax rate for the 2024-25 fiscal year:
Passed on a voice vote.
Article 4: To raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000 to be placed in the
Repairs and Maintenance Contingency Reserve: Passed on a voice vote.
Thanks to the 330+ voters who participated, including the 30 citizen election-
workers who made the meeting possible.
Article 2: To raise and appropriate $15,289,046 for the 2024-25 Operating
budget: 189 yes, 142 no: Passed.
Article 3: Authorize the Board to apply an additional $100,000 from the
unassigned funds balance to offset tax rate for the 2024-25 fiscal year:
Passed on a voice vote.
Article 4: To raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000 to be placed in the
Repairs and Maintenance Contingency Reserve: Passed on a voice vote.
Thanks to the 330+ voters who participated, including the 30 citizen election-
workers who made the meeting possible.