Open Volunteer Positions
If you are interested in any of these positions please contact Tad Nunez, Town Administrator 802-333-4363 ext. 2
Appointed positions are open to residents or non-residents. Elected positions are only open to residents.
Recreation Council (elected)
organize events such as the Fall Fest, manage the Town Beach. See the Recreation Council page
Development Review Board (appointed)
Decide on the appropriateness of proposed development. Meets irregularly on an as needed basis. See the DRB page
Auditors (elected)
The Board of Auditors is responsible for reviewing the monthly reports prepared by the Town Treasurer. Along with the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer, they are also responsible for creation of the town report for print and distribution.
Deputy Health Officer (appointed)
In the absence of, or at the direction of the Health Officer, investigates possible public health hazards and risks within the town, takes action to prevent, remove, or destroy any public health hazards to lessen significant public health risks, and enforces health laws, rules and permit conditions, and takes the steps necessary to enforce orders.
Connecticut Joint Rivers Commission Delegate (appointed)
"New Hampshire’s Connecticut River Valley Resource Commission, created by the legislature in 1987, and Vermont’s Connecticut River Watershed Advisory Commission, similarly created in 1988, were directed to cooperate with each other to preserve and protect the resources of the Connecticut River Valley, and to guide its growth and development. They have met together as the Joint Commissions since 1989." See the CJRC website
The delegate will work with delegates from the communities of Piermont, Orford, Lyme, Hanover, and Lebanon in New Hampshire and Bradford, Fairlee, Thetford, Norwich, and Hartford in Vermont. See the Upper Valley Subcommittee page