Alum Treatment Schedule
The SoLitude barge on Lake Morey
The Town of Fairlee, through its contractor, SOLitude Lake Management, will begin the alum treatment of Lake Morey on June 11th. SOLitude will be applying a solution of aluminum sulfate and sodium aluminate to areas of the lake equal to or greater than 26 feet in depth. Aluminum from the products binds with phosphorus, one of the key nutrients that helps cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) to thrive. This is being done to improve the water quality of Lake Morey.
The treatment will be conducted from June 11th to June 20th but may be extended due to weather conditions.
Use of the lake will not be restricted during the treatment, but we ask that users maintain a safe distance of at least 1,000 feet from the treatment vessel while operating. The boat access area off of Lake Morey Road along the west side of the lake will be used as a staging area for treatment operations. The boat ramp will remain open for use during this project.
Anyone needing additional information or to report any observed adverse impacts from the treatment should contact the Town of Fairlee at 802-333-4363 EXT 2. While no adverse effects are expected, VT DEC notes in the permit for this project that potential adverse effects may include any effects to humans (e.g., skin rashes) or domesticated animals that occur either from direct contact with or as a secondary effect from a discharge (e.g., sickness from consumption of plants or animals containing the applied chemicals) to waters of the State that are temporally and spatially related to exposure to a chemical residue (e.g., vomiting, lethargy) in addition to any impacts on aquatic biota or water quality.