New Conditional Use Provisions for short-term rentals

As you get ready for the season and the possibility of putting your house up in AirBnB, Vrbo or one of the other sites, please remember that the Town has recently adopted conditional use provisions to the Unified Development Bylaw that require short-term rentals that are publicly advertised to the public require a conditional use approval and then a zoning permit. The provision is as follows:

The DRB’s review of a Conditional Use Approval for the use of a dwelling for short term rentals shall apply the following performance standards:


  1. Dwelling shall be inspected and approved by the Fire Safety Division of the Vermont Department of Labor and Industry.
  2. Capacity shall be limited to 2 persons per bedroom approved under the ANR issued Wastewater and Potable Water Supply Permit.
  3. Applicant shall not advertise capacities greater than permitted.
  4. Short term rental usage of seasonal dwellings shall not exceed 22 weeks a year.
  5. The conditional use permit only allows the use of the property for legally defined use. Short term rental operators shall be liable for permitting and payment of fees, and limitations per licensing and permitting that may be imposed by Town Ordinances.

Further the Unified Development Bylaw defines this use as:

Short term rental -- a publicly promoted rental for stays of less than 32 days of any residential home unit or accessory building that is not regulated as a commercial use or residential business or service.

Before you begin listing and booking your properties I urge you to make application for the use and observe the limitations imposed by the conditional use approval and the resulting Zoning Permit. Please call me for questions or to prepare an application. Chris Brimmer, ZPED Adm. 802-333-4363X3,

Thank you