6. Shelters

During some emergencies, the EOC will monitor or coordinate support for residents who are displaced due to property or infrastructure damage.

Spontaneous Sheltering

  • Determine the approximate number of people who need sheltering
  • Call the State EOC / Watch Officer at 800-347-0488 and request support
  • Track the status of residents who need shelter until their situation stabilizes

Regional Shelter

Location / Address:

Hartford High School

Opening Contact:

State EOC,; American Red Cross,

Phone Numbers:

802-660-9130            800-347-0488

Primary Local Shelter

Location / Address:

Rivendell Academy, 2972 NH-25A

Facility Contact(s):

James Bourne, Facility Manager

Phone Numbers:

(603) 353-2170   cell (802) 505-1261

Shelter Manager:

James Bourne

Staff Requirements:

Need Two people 24/7


Warm & Cool   Overnight   Food Prep   Showers Healthcare Internet Phone




Capacity:        350          Generator? Y    Pets Allowed?  N

Alternate Local Shelter

Location / Address:

Fairlee Town Hall, 75 Town Common Rd., Fairlee, VT

Facility Contact(s):

Ryan Lockwood, Town administrator

Phone Numbers:

(802) 333-4363 x 2

Shelter Manager:

Ryan Lockwood, Town Administrator

Staff Requirements:

Need Two people 24/7


Warm & Cool   Overnight   Food Prep   Internet  Phone


Capacity: 200  Generator: Yes Pets Allowed: N Service Pet: Y

 Annexes (optional create and letter as needed)

Samuel Morey Elementary School 214 school St., Fairlee, VT