June 7, 2023 Early Cyanobacteria Bloom Subsided

June 7, 2023
In response to the late summer cyanobacteria outbreak in the lake in 2022, the Town of Fairlee, together with the LMC, LMPA, and LMF, conducted a feasibility study that determined a treatment of Lake Morey would be necessary to address the phosphorus loading on the lake bottom to resolve that situation.

The Town has applied for permits to treat the lake with alum and has also been accepted as a high-priority project by the Clean Water Board to provide funding for this treatment.

Based on recent samples from May 31, 2023, that were submitted to the DEC labs, there has been an early cyanobacteria bloom on Lake Morey which, based on observation, has subsided with the cool weather and wind. The Town and the LMC are continuing to monitor the situation and will continue to provide notifications as the situation changes.

Bridget O’Brien of the VT Department of Health notified the Town that an alert has been posted on the Cyanobacteria Tracker.

She is also advising:
People may experience allergy-like reactions after coming in contact with cyanobacteria, and if they or pets drink the water nearby, they may experience more severe symptoms. Because of this, it is important that people and their pets stay clear of water near where there are cyanobacteria mats.