Sept.27, 2022 Cyanobacteria Speciation Report
Lake Morey, Town of Fairlee VT, September 27, 2022
Continuing Cyanobacteria Bloom on Lake Morey Speciation Report on the Cyanobacteria strainCyanobacteria report on Toxin status of Lake Morey from Peter Isles – VT DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation): Testing for toxins is not reasonable unless there is a need to know. The testing is expensive and sees no need to test Lake Morey. Gloeotrichia in our area has never been found to be toxic. The tests for toxins would not be able to detect anything at the levels of the Lake Morey concentrations of Gloeotrichia.
Phosphate levels in Lake Morey are going up. The lake is very deep all over, thus the potential for a high total level of internal loading phosphate is higher – especially with their history of needing to use alum.
The Lake Scorecard has been revised with a new format two months ago.
The expectation is the “Lay Monitoring” data entry will be automated and posted sooner on this site.