01-05-2022 Planning Commission Meeting
Town of Fairlee Town Hall
Grange Room
75 Town Common Road
Fairlee, VT 05045
or by ZoomWednesday, January 5, 2022
Rob Chapin, Chair, called the meeting to order.
- Commission Members: Rob Chapin, Chair (online); Matthew Walker (online); Susanne Pacilio (online); Smith Reed (online); Sarah Berger, Vice Chair (online); Miranda Clemson (online); Tim Danen (in person). A quorum was met.
- Zoning Administrator: Chris Brimmer (in person)
- Board Clerk: Joanna Bligh (in person)
- Visitor: Laura Tucker.
Housekeeping Note
Brimmer noted that the VT Secretary of State announced in the face of the continued Covid pandemic that a municipal meeting can proceed if the in-person meeting site is attended by at least one person.
REVIEW OF AGENDA: Approved as written.
MOTION #1: Susanne Pacilio moved, and Tim Danen seconded the motion to accept the Minutes from December 1, 2021, as written.
Voice Vote: All in favor. None opposed. None abstained. The motion passed.
Annual Report from the Planning Commission
Chair Chapin provided the members with a draft of the Annual Report. The members suggested revisions, and Brimmer noted that when complete the document is to be sent to the Town Clerk for inclusion into the Town’s Annual Report.
Zoning Administrator’s Report
Bylaw Outreach
Brimmer announced that the recently completed Unified Development Bylaw must go for a vote for final approval. Brimmer provided the Commissioners with an outreach schedule for public education and input. The third Thursdays of the month will be scheduled for the outreach efforts, as follows:
January 20 will be an official meeting with Kevin Gieger, Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission, in attendance to aid the Commission in closing out the paperwork and to work on completing the mapping of the zoning districts.
February 17 will be a well-advertised first meeting on the town Plan and how the Bylaw implements its elements. A discussion of the adoption process and upcoming events.
March 17 meeting will focus on Village Center regulations and how the Bylaw implements the Town Plan. Notifications to the public will be by direct mail.
April 21 will be a meeting of the forest block parcel owners to walk them through the new Bylaw provisions and how the Commission has addressed their interests.
May 19 will be an Open Forum on the transfer of development rights and how the conservation subdivision process works in practice.
June 16 will be a meeting to address the reconfiguration of land-use districts, the functions of overlay districts, and the establishment of the Lake Morey Watershed District.
July 21 will recap the discussions of the previous five events and will include a Q&A session.
Brimmer encouraged members to attend any or all the public input sessions.
Year-Ahead Planning
Brimmer provided the members with an outline of Village Master Planning discussions for the upcoming year to include:
- Infrastructure
- Stakeholders
- Define deficiencies
- Organization of stakeholders
- Economic development
- Housing
- Streetscape
Brimmer discussed the Village designation that is provided by the State versus a broader designation to include the water service area because this designation of the Village area impacts the dispersal area of grant funding.
Chair Chapin asked what the meetings look like. Brimmer stated that the Commissioners will discuss stormwater, economic development, and business to attract. Brimmer noted that Main St to Morey grant work is a precursor for many projects because the designs are in place. Pacilio asked if building infrastructure will prompt special tax assessments, and Brimmer said the projects are revenue neutral.
The members discussed the Selectboard’s study for community septic, and Reed commented that for the health of the community, the south lake or the entire lake needs to have sewerage pumped away.
Brimmer stated that the outline needs to be broadened and explained. Brimmer stated that with real growth and influx of climate refugees housing will be a massive task. Brimmer asked for the Commissioners feedback and approval for the year-long Village Master Planning.
MOTION #2: Tim Danen moved, and Smith Reed seconded the motion to approve moving ahead with the Village Master Planning concept.
Voice Vote: All in favor. None opposed. None abstained. The motion passed.
Next Meeting: Thursday, January 20, 2022
The members discussed the agenda for the next meeting to include reviewing the 2015 Town Survey and the article sent to the members about streets and roads.
MOTION #3: Tim Danen moved, and Matt Walker seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM.
Voice Vote: All in favor. None opposed. None abstained. The motion passed unanimously.