
07-03-2019 Listers Meeting

Present: Noël Walker, Russ Collins, Dan Ludwig

9:30am Opened Meeting:

            Preliminary Grand List was reviewed for final approval.

             Grievance Day was approved for Thurs. July 18th, 2019 at 5:00PM

             Change of Appraisal Notices were reviewed and approved, to be mailed July 3rd, 2019.

             Approved Minutes of Aug. 8th and Aug.13th, 2018.

             Other Business:

             Approved mailing copies of Change of Appraisal notices to new owners.

             Discussed the Late Filing Homestead Penalty issue. Listers will review this with Selectboard and  Treasurer.

10:00am Town Clerk joined Listers for signing of the 2019 Preliminary Grand List.

10:10am Motion made and passed to Adjourn.