04-11-2017 DRB Meeting
Town of Fairlee Development Review Board Draft Minutes
Town of Fairlee Town Hall
75 Town Common Road
Fairlee, Vermont 05045
Tuesday April 11, 2017
CALL TO ORDER: Chair David Fracht called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
- David Fracht, Nancy Anderson, William Dunnack and Peter Lange
- MINUTES CLERK: Stephanie A. Taylor
- VISITORS: Frank J. Barrett, Jr., Peter Berger, Cathy McGrath, Georgette Wolf-Ludwig, Brian Hanson, Noel Walker, Lisa Hinsley
MOTION: William Dunnack/Peter Lange (moved and seconded) made a motion to approve the minutes of March 28, 2017 with modifications and corrections. The motion passed unanimously.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: Chris Brimmer had no zoning requests to report. He noted that the Town Hall Renovation project will be discussed during the public hearing tonight.
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: The Rules of Conflict of Interest and Procedure were discussed briefly before the start of the public hearing. Zoning Administrator Chris Brimmer has proposed new language to be added to the document to streamline the development review process.
Site Plan Review and Setback Waiver, Addition to Fairlee Town Hall for ADA Access
At 7:15pm Development Review Board Chair David Fracht opened the public hearing.
Frank J. Barrett, Jr. (Licensed Architect) remained sworn in and is representing the Town of Fairlee.
He distributed a site plan and explained that for all intents and purposes the proposed addition to the Town of Fairlee Town Hall is on the same footprint as the existing building, plus or minus one foot.
The town lot is shaped like a panhandle. The horse sheds were taken down in early 2000, with the anticipation of creating parking. The removal of the exterior fire escapes will facilitate the creation of a handicapped parking space. Shared parking with the adjacent church were discussed in the past. These spaces were designated on the site plan.
The Zoning Administrator surveyed available parking spaces within the town and inventoried the frontage on Route 5 down to the railroad station, around the town green, adjacent to town buildings and adjacent to existing commercial buildings. A total of 177 existing spaces were identified. The available parking would be suitable for 591 visitors.
William Dunnack stated that he believes the proposed parking for the Town of Fairlee Town Hall renovation project is adequate.
Zoning Administrator Chris Brimmer cited the Town of Fairlee Zoning Bylaws which encourage on-street parking for events. This slows traffic through the village and also publicizes that the Town of Fairlee is a destination for special events. It may also help get VTRANS attention for future traffic-calming efforts along Route 5.
Peter Lange inquired about applicable historic preservation regulations. Frank J. Barrett, Jr. noted that the Division of Historic Preservation in Montpelier has supported the proposed renovation project based on the voluntary listing of the building on the National Historic Register in 2014.
Chair David Fracht cited 5.6.3 of the site plan review regulations regarding the harmonious relationship between the proposed project and the existing adjacent uses.
The new addition would provide handicapped access to the upstairs and would meet state fire code requirements. The elevator would be large enough to handle large equipment for bands playing in the auditorium. No additional exterior lighting has been proposed.
David Fracht asked if future parking behind the Town of Fairlee Town Hall could be developed and/or adjacent to the church. Frank J. Barrett, Jr. said there are no plans at the time for developing this parking. The Town of Fairlee Selectboard has not made plans to develop this nor has any funding been allocated.
Frank J. Barrett Jr. noted that the roof area of the building will remain the same. No additional stormwater runoff will be generated.
Dumpsters and trash storage will remain in the existing location.
State and federal roadway permits are not applicable to the project.
The current handicapped ramp will be removed during the renovation. The new handicapped accessible entrance will be at grade and will not necessitate a ramp.
No additional landscaping or plantings are planned as part of the renovation project.
Peter Lange asked about the timeline for construction. Frank J. Barrett, Jr. said that if the revote is positive construction will most likely start within weeks.
Exterior building lighting will include a recessed downlight fixture on the porch. No additional lighting is proposed. Current motion sensor lights will remain.
The key issues are that a lack of ADA compliance will require the installation of an elevator and state fire requirements will require the construction of a fire-rated stairs. In February 2014, the building was added to the National Historic Register. The Fire Marshal and the building committee have endorsed the renovation concept.
A front setback waiver will be required (building sits in road.) Any construction in the southeast corner would require a 45-foot waiver on a 50-foot setback requirement. Emergency vehicles would continue to be able to access the drive between the two buildings after the renovation. A boundary survey was done by Byron Kidder.
Existing fire escapes will be removed and one handicapped parking space will be constructed.
Frank J. Barrett, Jr. explained that the Town Hall is considered an “Existing Place of Assembly” not a new place of assembly.
The public hearing was closed at 8pm.
MOTION: Peter Lange/Nancy Anderson (moved and seconded) made a motion to go into Deliberative Session.
The board moved into Deliberative Session at 8:01pm.
MOTION: David Fracht/Peter Lange (moved and seconded) to come out of Deliberative Session.
The Town of Fairlee Development Review Board came out of Deliberative Session at 8:25pm.
MOTION: William Dunnack/Peter Lange (moved and seconded) made a motion to issue the decision with special conditions. The motion passed unanimously.
Zoning Administrator Chris Brimmer will circulate a draft of the written decision on Wednesday April 12, 2017. The final decision will be available for signature in his office.
The DRB members continued discussion of the Development Review Board’s Procedural and Ethics Rules with Zoning Administrator Chris Brimmer. New text was added to the document.
MOTION: Peter Lange/Nancy Anderson (moved and seconded) made a motion to delete paragraph M of the Procedural and Ethics Rules. The motion passed unanimously.
Zoning Administrator Chris Brimmer will make the necessary edits to the Procedural and Ethics Rules.
MOTION: Peter Lange/David Fracht
MOTION: Peter Lange/David Fracht (moved and seconded) made a motion to adjourn at 8:40pm. Members present: David Fracht, Nancy Anderson, William Dunnack and Peter Lange voted in favor.