10-24-2017 DRB Meeting
Town of Fairlee Library
221 US Rte 5 N
Fairlee, Vermont 05045
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Chair, David Fracht, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
- David Fracht, Chair; Nancy Anderson, Vice Chair; Peter Lange; Tim Danen; and Anthony Gahagan, Alternate
- Chris Brimmer, Zoning Administrator
- Board Clerk: Joanna Bligh
- Visitor: Kent “Win” Ameden
Chris Brimmer noted that there was no mylar map as yet and no procedural rules to discuss.
David Fracht noted corrections to the Minutes from 10-10-17, namely the deletion of the MOTION within the Deliberative Session.
MOTION: Nancy Anderson/Tim Danen (moved/seconded) to approve the minutes from 10-10-17, with corrections. The motion passed unanimously.
Chris Brimmer stated he is taking over some of the work of the TA, including the paperwork relating to the July 1 storm damage. He is now the FEMA liaison, and he will also attend a meeting on October 24 with VOT and Two Rivers Planning Commission regarding several outstanding grants.
David Fracht stated that the Developmental Review Board has in the past met six times a year and, occasionally, twice a month, and now meetings occur occasionally, as needed. He requested a formal change, namely, that the Board meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month as needed. He requested reaction from the Board.
[Kent “Win” Ameden entered the meeting room at 7:11 PM]
Tim Danen stated that he was in favor. David Fracht asked if there was consensus. Peter Lange stated he was in favor of the concept. David Fracht suggested circulating a draft, and the Board will vote at the next meeting.
Site plan review for the replacement of two tent platforms with one cabin; Kent “Win” Ameden, Applicant, Aloha Foundation, 2968 Lake Morey Rd. PIN 23-20-05.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017, at 7:15 PM, David Fracht opened the Public Hearing and swore in Applicant, Kent “Win” Ameden.
David Fracht asked the applicant if they are replacing tents at the camp. Win Ameden responded that although the tents are rustic and have housed children and counselors for many years, there are three factors that make the continued use of tents untenable. The factors include: 1) As weather becomes harsher (i.e., high winds, torrential rains), it becomes more difficult to move campers to safer accommodations during bad weather; 2) Environmental factors, including ticks, mosquitoes, and mice easily invade the tents; and 3) The camp has 145 tents and the workers required to put up, move furniture, and take down the tents is logistically overwhelming. The tent-to-cabin plan is a prototype to see if it works. Tim Danen asked if the campers sleep on bunk beds. Anthony Gahagan asked if there are 6 campers per tent or cabin. Nancy Anderson asked what the cabins are made of and if there are any drainage issues. Win Ameden stated that there are six campers and two counselors per tent or cabin each on separate beds (no bunk beds), and the cabins will be made of 2 x 4s, 2 layers of sheathing, novelty siding, asphalt-shingled roof, prepoured concrete footings, brown stain, and green shingles. He also stated that with the side-hill placement of the cabin, run off is the same. Peter Lange asked if the prototype works, will all the tents be replaced. Win Ameden replied that some tents will remain because some campers prefer tents. David Fracht asked if there were any issues regarding egress in the event of fire, and Win Ameden stated that the State Fire Marshal will inspect the cabin when completed. There was a question about an increase in traffic flow to the area. Win Ameden responded that the limiting factor for the number of campers is the dining hall space, so camper capacity will remain the same. Tim Danen suggested a Master Plan be provided to the Town. Win Ameden replied that over two to three years, there will be gradual change. Chris Brimmer suggested a Master Plan will simplify future approval of permits. Anthony Gahagan asked what was the number of tents and cabins per camper unit. Win Ameden replied that now there are nine tents per unit; with the cabins in place, each unit will have four cabins and one tent.
David Fracht closed the Public Hearing at 7:37 PM
[ Kent “Win” Ameden left the meeting at 7:38 PM]
MOTION: Nancy Anderson/Anthony Gahagen (moved/seconded) made a motion to move into Deliberative Session. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board moved into Deliberative Session at 7:38 PM.
The Board moved out of Deliberative Session at 7:41 PM.
David Fracht asked if the Board was in favor of the site plan as discussed.
MOTION: Tim Danen/Anthony Gahagan (moved/seconded) to accept Applicant Win Ameden’s, Aloha Foundation, site plan review for the replacement of two tent platforms with one cabin; application 17-SUB-03. The motion passed unanimously.
David Fracht announced a Fall Zoning and Planning Workshop in South Burlington, which he will attend.
MOTION: Peter Lange/Nancy Anderson (moved/seconded) moved to adjourn at 7:45 PM. Members present David Fracht, Chair; Nancy Anderson, Vice Chair; Peter Lange; Tim Danen; and Anthony Gahagan voted in favor.
ATTEST: Joanna Bligh, Board Clerk