Zoning Fee Schedule
Residential Uses & Structures
• New single-family dwelling - $50 and 15¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee
• Accessory structures/Additions - 15¢ a square foot, $50 minimum charge plus $15 recording fee
• Home occupation - $50 plus $15 recording fee
• Multifamily dwellings (new) - $50 each unit and 15¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee
• Multifamily dwellings (no const.) - $50 each unit plus $15 recording fee
• Change in use from single-family to two-family dwelling (no const.) - $50 plus $15 recording fee
Commercial Uses & Structures
• New commercial structure - $100 and 25¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee and site plan approval
• Change in commercial use - $100 plus $15 recording fee and site plan approval
• Commercial accessory structures - $100 and 25¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee, site plan approval may be required
Development Review Board Hearing Fees
• Minor subdivision (4 lots or less) - $100 and $50 per lot plus $15 recording fee and $25 per mylar
• Major subdivision (5 lots or more) - $250 and $50 per lot plus $15 recording fee and $25 per mylar
• Lot line adjustment - $150 plus $15 recording fee and $25 per mylar
• Lot counts include lands remaining, charges include sketch plan and mylar approval.
• Conditional use - $100 plus $15 recording fee
• Waiver/variance - $100 for first waiver/variance, $50 each additional plus $15 recording fee
• Site plan review - $100 plus $15 recording fee
• Combined reviews - $100 for each proceeding and applicable surcharges plus $15 recording fee
Other Services
• Compliance letter - $5 to best of knowledge no violation statement
• Certification of compliance - $100 includes site inspection
• Access Permit - $35
• Work In Right of Way - $20
• New single-family dwelling - $50 and 15¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee
• Accessory structures/Additions - 15¢ a square foot, $50 minimum charge plus $15 recording fee
• Home occupation - $50 plus $15 recording fee
• Multifamily dwellings (new) - $50 each unit and 15¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee
• Multifamily dwellings (no const.) - $50 each unit plus $15 recording fee
• Change in use from single-family to two-family dwelling (no const.) - $50 plus $15 recording fee
Commercial Uses & Structures
• New commercial structure - $100 and 25¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee and site plan approval
• Change in commercial use - $100 plus $15 recording fee and site plan approval
• Commercial accessory structures - $100 and 25¢ a square foot plus $15 recording fee, site plan approval may be required
Development Review Board Hearing Fees
• Minor subdivision (4 lots or less) - $100 and $50 per lot plus $15 recording fee and $25 per mylar
• Major subdivision (5 lots or more) - $250 and $50 per lot plus $15 recording fee and $25 per mylar
• Lot line adjustment - $150 plus $15 recording fee and $25 per mylar
• Lot counts include lands remaining, charges include sketch plan and mylar approval.
• Conditional use - $100 plus $15 recording fee
• Waiver/variance - $100 for first waiver/variance, $50 each additional plus $15 recording fee
• Site plan review - $100 plus $15 recording fee
• Combined reviews - $100 for each proceeding and applicable surcharges plus $15 recording fee
Other Services
• Compliance letter - $5 to best of knowledge no violation statement
• Certification of compliance - $100 includes site inspection
• Access Permit - $35
• Work In Right of Way - $20