Board of Civil Authority

The Board of Civil Authority consists of the following people: the town clerk, the selectboard, and the elected justices of the peace. Meetings of the board are called by the town clerk, or by one of the selectmen. This board is responsible for the following: to assist with the running of elections, to act as a quasi-judicial board for grievances between taxpayers and listers, and to maintain the voter checklist.

In the running of elections, the Town Clerk is the Presiding Officer. The members of the Board of Civil Authority assist with the smooth running of elections, and assist with the counting of ballots. Generally, at least one member of the Board of Civil Authority is present throughout the day at the polling place.

Tax Appeals
When a taxpayer has a grievance with the decision of the Board of Listers, the taxpayer can appeal to the Board of Civil Authority. The board acts as a quasi-judicial board hearing evidence from all parties involved, and renders a decision. Guidelines for appeals to the Board of Civil Authority, and the appropriate forms to be used can be found in the Property Valuation and Review’s “A Handbook on Property Tax Assessment Appeals”.